Big Bang on the Bay Fireworks Cruise in Long Beach Labor Day Sunday Sept. 1st

Celebrate the end of summer with friends and family aboard the La Espada with an awe-inspiring fireworks display performed in Alamitos Bay and a cruise of the scenic Long Beach Harbor on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Cruise length is approximately 150 minutes. Cruise loads at 7:00pm.
**Please note that fireworks tickets ordered online must be pre-printed and brought to our dock. These tickets can not be shown on a mobile device. If tickets can not be pre-printed, give our office a call to arrange for a special will-call option: 562-983-6880.**
*$2.00 Convenience fee charge will apply for online purchases only, not in person or telephone purchases. All sales are final, NO refunds.

Video courtesty of @VisitLB